Below are all the stories within the genre “Active”.
Two sisters, with the power to travel through time and space, land amidst a dangerous battle. With their powers, they aim to stop the fight before it even happened, but playing with time has consequences …
Stone islands appear worldwide in places they never were before, as if they fell from the sky. Two armies both search for the secret, thinking it will win them the war, but discover something they regret.
Meogg is the first to ever see the legendary Sand King, responsible for Sleep. He explains that others are sailing towards the same island as them, but with less noble intentions. Only one thing remains: pull out all the stops to win this race together.
Captain Pi receives the important command to expel the enemy from the Dolphin Pass. But they secretly build the most undefeatable ship ever, while legends talk of a terrible curse in these waters.
A predator and prey have to explore a pyramid filled with traps—together—always on the run from cruel shadowshifters. They’re looking for the second part of an important legend about pyramids and gods, but find something entirely different.
The Companions aim to introduce a law that might make the Shepherds go extinct. Himnib races to he Council to vote against it, but suspicious unfortunate events make it hard to arrive in time.
The Amor king has gone mad, his commands nonsensical and unfair. Of course, no proud Amori wants to dirty their paws to solve this issue, and so they turn to the unpredictable Barbarians for a dark mission.
The Connido discover they used to have the Poisonous Bite, but not anymore. They must discover why it disappeared and how it can return. Preferably before the terrifying Crocodile Legend comes true.
Dinosaurs control the world. Huge, strong, fast, unbeatable. So when Donte warns them for an asteroid that will hit Somnia soon and destroy even the mighty dinosaurs, nobody listens to him …
When Magim’s jungle suddenly disappeared, he has to cross the Nightriver to find a new home. Exactly the place rumored to contain terrible monsters who do something unheard of: eat your flesh.
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