Below are all the stories within the genre “Family”.
Captain Pi receives the important command to expel the enemy from the Dolphin Pass. But they secretly build the most undefeatable ship ever, while legends talk of a terrible curse in these waters.
When Bella, goddess of beauty and wisdom, is abducted, her family is left behind with endless questions. But mostly with anger and the resolve to do absolutely anything to get her back.
The Companions aim to introduce a law that might make the Shepherds go extinct. Himnib races to he Council to vote against it, but suspicious unfortunate events make it hard to arrive in time.
The Connido discover they used to have the Poisonous Bite, but not anymore. They must discover why it disappeared and how it can return. Preferably before the terrifying Crocodile Legend comes true.
Dinosaurs control the world. Huge, strong, fast, unbeatable. So when Donte warns them for an asteroid that will hit Somnia soon and destroy even the mighty dinosaurs, nobody listens to him …
The mysterious Smashers break anything with ease and kill beings of any size. The godchildren must stop them, but their only aid is an alchemist who’d rather steal the sun than save his own species.
A family of demigods is banished by their fearsome Father to a burning planet. And transformed into animals. They must find answers and fast, for they won’t survive long in this hellscape.
The godchildren have to figure out why their animals do nothing and go extinct. But a mysterious power works against them and tempts Ardex with a devious promise: a way to get back home.
The first child of the Chiefgods is born: Ardex. But Gaia fears he is a monster they must destroy, while Oeros’ fatherly pride perhaps gives Ardex too many helping hands.
As the demigods explore how to destroy their invisible cage, they must have angered someone. Large swaths of land suddenly wither and force Ardex to chase a dangerous path to more forceful attacks.
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