Below are all the stories within the genre “Gods”.
Two sisters, with the power to travel through time and space, land amidst a dangerous battle. With their powers, they aim to stop the fight before it even happened, but playing with time has consequences …
Meogg is the first to ever see the legendary Sand King, responsible for Sleep. He explains that others are sailing towards the same island as them, but with less noble intentions. Only one thing remains: pull out all the stops to win this race together.
A fennec visits the Good Chef in a panic: a mighty creature has a deadly disease and she must make the medicine. But these odd ingredients can only be acquired by overcoming challenge after challenge.
When Bella, goddess of beauty and wisdom, is abducted, her family is left behind with endless questions. But mostly with anger and the resolve to do absolutely anything to get her back.
All creatures collaborate to build a gigantic staircase towards the heavens. The most impressive and tallest structure they ever made. The gods don’t understand why, but they do know they aren’t allowed to reach too high …
Dinosaurs control the world. Huge, strong, fast, unbeatable. So when Donte warns them for an asteroid that will hit Somnia soon and destroy even the mighty dinosaurs, nobody listens to him …
When Magim’s jungle suddenly disappeared, he has to cross the Nightriver to find a new home. Exactly the place rumored to contain terrible monsters who do something unheard of: eat your flesh.
A family of demigods is banished by their fearsome Father to a burning planet. And transformed into animals. They must find answers and fast, for they won’t survive long in this hellscape.
The godchildren have to figure out why their animals do nothing and go extinct. But a mysterious power works against them and tempts Ardex with a devious promise: a way to get back home.
The first child of the Chiefgods is born: Ardex. But Gaia fears he is a monster they must destroy, while Oeros’ fatherly pride perhaps gives Ardex too many helping hands.
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