Below are all the stories within the genre “Growth”.
The climate has turned. The loss of sunlight makes it hard for plants and animals to survive. So when humans start sending spaceships into the galaxy, only one option remains: secretly come along before the Last Rocket has left.
During an inspection of her farm, Kuku accidentally reveals how terribly they’re treated. The farmer has only two weeks to save his precious farm, as he is out for revenge.
Slumberland, the beautiful territory of the sloths, is cursed. A stranger finds their home, surprised humans never discovered it before. But when the sloths ask her to find an antidote, they quickly learn not all humans can be trusted.
Meogg is the first to ever see the legendary Sand King, responsible for Sleep. He explains that others are sailing towards the same island as them, but with less noble intentions. Only one thing remains: pull out all the stops to win this race together.
A fennec visits the Good Chef in a panic: a mighty creature has a deadly disease and she must make the medicine. But these odd ingredients can only be acquired by overcoming challenge after challenge.
Catia is severely ill. Her family buys the best healers with very questionable methods, until, out of desperation, she is caught up in a witch hunt—unintentionally pulling others into it too.
The Amor king has gone mad, his commands nonsensical and unfair. Of course, no proud Amori wants to dirty their paws to solve this issue, and so they turn to the unpredictable Barbarians for a dark mission.
Gupra almost conquered the entire Schola territory. Until he stumbles upon his final obstacle: the Tamli kings, of whom legends claim they’ll never be defeated, whatever you try.
At a crucial negotiation, Prebuha receives the prophecy that her civilization will die. But the message is signed by somebody who isn’t supposed to exist.
Dinosaurs control the world. Huge, strong, fast, unbeatable. So when Donte warns them for an asteroid that will hit Somnia soon and destroy even the mighty dinosaurs, nobody listens to him …
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