Below are all the stories within the genre “Survival”.
An escape rocket lands on a planet that could sustain human life. They celebrate and prepare their new home. Until they discover something else might already be crawling around.
Spaceships use their final fuel to reach new planets for human habitation. Just before their arrival, though, all those planets have suddenly vanished.
The climate has turned. The loss of sunlight makes it hard for plants and animals to survive. So when humans start sending spaceships into the galaxy, only one option remains: secretly come along before the Last Rocket has left.
During an inspection of her farm, Kuku accidentally reveals how terribly they’re treated. The farmer has only two weeks to save his precious farm, as he is out for revenge.
Two sisters, with the power to travel through time and space, land amidst a dangerous battle. With their powers, they aim to stop the fight before it even happened, but playing with time has consequences …
Dinosaurs control the world. Huge, strong, fast, unbeatable. So when Donte warns them for an asteroid that will hit Somnia soon and destroy even the mighty dinosaurs, nobody listens to him …
When Magim’s jungle suddenly disappeared, he has to cross the Nightriver to find a new home. Exactly the place rumored to contain terrible monsters who do something unheard of: eat your flesh.
A clever tribe of hunters and gatherers meets another tribe hoarding all available food in the area. Unsure if they can trust each other, their cultural differences soon lead to unpredictable consequences.
A family of demigods is banished by their fearsome Father to a burning planet. And transformed into animals. They must find answers and fast, for they won’t survive long in this hellscape.
The godchildren have to figure out why their animals do nothing and go extinct. But a mysterious power works against them and tempts Ardex with a devious promise: a way to get back home.
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